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Feb 18, 2020

This week the Amieys rant about how infuriating arguments with douchebros can be. Get your shit together LogicBros! We also discuss the dark side of staying sexy. It’s a little gross. Patron extended content includes tips for developing your personality through your speaking inflection. It was totally helpful. 


Feb 18, 2020

In this bonus episode we show our love for our podcast neighbors up north, Left at the Valley

Listen to my cohort Brently on Unapologetix!

As always, this episode contains (a lot of) salty language. Consider yourself warned.

Please consider giving us all (or some) of your moneyz on Patreon at

Feb 3, 2020

This week the Amieys have an absolute blast hanging out with Nikki from the Unapologetix podcast. If you’ve heard the term “digital blackface” but don’t quite understand the concept, this is the episode for you.

As always, this episode contains (a lot of) salty language. Consider yourself warned.

Listen to Nikki...