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Dec 25, 2020

This episode we talk to Dawn and Jon and learn what the true meaning of Jonmas is. And also discuss how we celebrate the holidays as atheists, but mainly Jonmas.

(In case you’re wondering about the title, we’re doing a science experiment on YouTube to see just how many people will click on a video with “porn” in...

Dec 7, 2020

This week the Amieys cover what a cesspool Parler has become, family murder secrets, and ditching school.

Make sure to check out the Holiday Cheer Stream-A-Thon benefiting the Foundation Beyond Belief!

As always, this episode contains (a lot of) salty language. Consider yourself...

Nov 27, 2020

While everyone else is busy being thankful, we’re joined by Nikki & Brently from Unapologetix to remember some of our fondest grudges.

As always, this episode contains (a lot of) salty language. Consider yourself warned.

Orange Rolls - they’re SO good!

Please consider giving us all (or some) of your moneyz on...

Nov 15, 2020

The election is over and it’s time to get all up into the deep state.

As always, this episode contains (a lot of) salty language. Consider yourself warned.

Amy on Mind of a Skeptical Leftist

Please consider giving us all (or some) of your moneyz on Patreon at

Now you can call and...

Nov 3, 2020

Ever wanted to hear how terrible Canada’s healthcare system is from a real live Canadian? It’s your lucky day!

Find Jason at

Cory Johnston’s Podcasts:

Skeptarchy Podcast

Mind of a Skeptical Leftist

From Many Peoples, Strength

As always, this episode contains (a lot of) salty...