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Oct 20, 2022

Two attractive and intelligent women discuss how important compliments are.  We also give further details on our in person live cast.

As always, this episode contains (a lot of) salty language. Consider yourself warned.

Please consider giving us all (or some) of your moneyz on Patreon at

Oct 13, 2022

Mothers can be difficult, we discuss navigating that relationship.  We also talk about adult relationships along with our other random discussions.


As always, this episode contains (a lot of) salty language. Consider yourself warned.

Please consider giving us all (or some) of your moneyz on Patreon at

Oct 6, 2022

The episode we talk about this wild crazy idea of being platonic friends with someone of the opposite sex.  Also, details on the upcoming live drunk cast.



As always, this episode contains (a lot of) salty language. Consider yourself warned.

Please consider giving us all (or some) of your moneyz on Patreon at